How I Learn to Regulate My Emotions
I am getting so big! Sometimes it might be hard to remember that I am still little, and still learning how to control my emotions. I need to learn how to regulate my emotions in order to follow rules and…
I am getting so big! Sometimes it might be hard to remember that I am still little, and still learning how to control my emotions. I need to learn how to regulate my emotions in order to follow rules and…
Age-appropriate rules let me know what to expect, which helps me to feel safe, secure, and in control. It is important that you set limits and are consistent in enforcing rules with me now. You can help me cope with…
When I was first born I didn’t really need a cozy corner, but as I move around more, crawling and cruising along the furniture, a cozy corner will be a nice place for me to go when I need to…
A cozy corner is a great place for me to go when I feel like I need some quiet time, when I want some cuddle time, or when I am feeling overwhelmed by my emotions. I can go to my…
I am so little, I don’t have patience! You can help me by taking an activity bag wherever we go. It doesn’t have to be big; in fact, you might be able to fit it in my diaper bag! Pick…
It is so hard for me to wait, I don’t have the ability to sit still and be patient! You can help me by bringing an activity bag wherever we go. It doesn’t have to be big; in fact, it…
I am getting to be so big! Sometimes you might be fooled into thinking I am all grown up! But I still don’t have the ability to sit still for long periods of time. An activity bag is just the…
I can have lots of fun trying to pop the bubbles that you blow! Buy some bubbles at the toy store, or you can look up how to make your own bubble soap on the Internet. It is always best…
When you know I am not tired or hungry, a good game for us to play is “Play-by-Play.” It’s easy! Put me on my tummy. It is OK to have a few of my favorite toys near me. You need…
Games like “Ring Around the Rosy” and “London Bridge” encourage me to move, sing, listen, and take turns. Try creating an obstacle course for me to run with you. Put on some music and march with me like we are…
I love repetition! It helps me learn how things work. I might fill a pail and dump it over and over again to learn about empty/full. Or I might want to put a lid on a container, then take it…
Have you noticed how I love it when you sing with me? I love the rhythm of words, like those found in fun songs, nursery rhymes, and toddler books. If I know the song and start to sing along, pause…
Put some music on and let’s dance together! Help me experience the joy of movement. Show me how to bounce in time with the beat or clap my hands. No music available? We can sing and dance! We will be…
I love to touch things and see what happens. I want to turn knobs, push buttons, open boxes, and turn pages. Find ways for me to get busy with my hands. You may want to buy some toddler-safe finger paint…
A fun thing for me to do when you are in the kitchen is to play with my kitchen band! What is that? It is a collection of pots and pans you don’t mind that I play with, rubber storage…
I love when I get to imagine and be creative in my play! Keep a box of old clothes and items for props that I can play pretend with. You can include things like scarves, hats, backpacks, and containers, even…
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