When I Miss My Old Friends
Sometimes, I can’t help but feel sad when I think about my old friends. We used to play together and have so much fun. But now, things have changed, and I miss them a lot. It’s not easy for me…
Sometimes, I can’t help but feel sad when I think about my old friends. We used to play together and have so much fun. But now, things have changed, and I miss them a lot. It’s not easy for me…
I may not understand why things are changing around me, and it can make me feel overwhelmed. I might cry or get upset, but please know that it’s not because I want to upset you. I’m just trying to make…
Now that I’m a little older, I’ve probably started playing near other children my age, either at school, play groups, or with my own siblings. Being around other children helps me to start learning my social skills, but at first,…
When you decide to start taking me on outside adventures is up to you! Some parents like to wait until I’m a little older, and some parents are ready to start taking me outside with them as soon as I…
All of the things in my world are a new adventure for me, and I learn so much about them by touching and feeling them. I’ll be most interested in objects that have different textures and colors, and when I’m…
Even though there are screens almost everywhere (TV, tablets, and phones), I really shouldn’t watch any screens until I turn 18 months old. Even then, I shouldn’t watch very much – and, you should watch things with me and talk…
I’ve started moving my body around on the floor, and I’ve started to pull myself up – now, it’s time for me to take my first steps! This is so important for me, and I know if you aren’t here…
As I learn more and more about the things around me, I’ll start noticing when objects have things in common. This is an important skill for me – not only does it teach me new words when I learn to…
Since I learn so much by interacting with the things around me, make sure I have objects that I can play with that will keep me interested and challenge me. My toys don’t have to be fancy or expensive -…
Once I feel comfortable walking, my next step will be running! I’ll be trying to move around a lot and fast. That means it’s really easy for me to accidently hurt myself even after I’ve learned how to walk. Take…
As I start moving around and exploring more, I might touch things that you don’t want me too, or touch something more roughly than you would like. Whether I’m reaching for your earrings, pulling your hair, or tugging on one…
When I was really little, I probably played with toys mostly by touching and tasting them. Now that I’ve learned more about the objects in my world, I can start using them to play pretend. You might see me pick…
Now that I can see things more clearly, I learn so much by paying attention to the things around me and to you as well! You can teach me that my sounds and actions have meaning by playing copycat with…
Even though you may not notice, I’m learning so much from watching you! What you do and say are so interesting to me, and I’ll try to do and say the same things. No one’s perfect, so don’t feel bad…
Even though it may seem that I don’t know a lot, I’m already really aware of how you are feeling based on your tone and how you interact with me (even if I don’t understand what that feeling means!). Don’t…
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