Help Me When I Feel Upset
You probably noticed right away – I cry a lot! Crying is the way I communicate to you since I don’t have any words yet. It’s okay for me to cry, but there are things you can do to help…
You probably noticed right away – I cry a lot! Crying is the way I communicate to you since I don’t have any words yet. It’s okay for me to cry, but there are things you can do to help…
Even though I can’t stand or pull up by myself, I can start practicing putting my weight on my legs with your help. Help me take these first steps to standing all by myself by holding my hands and letting…
Even though I’m still very small, I’m now starting to understand that I can make an impact on my world. I’ll be exploring and learning new things every day, and with every discovery, my self-esteem and confidence will grow. Give…
Now that I’m starting to go pro with tummy time, I’ll be ready to start moving even more! Before I walk, I’ll use all kinds of ways to move – rolling my body around, scooting with my belly, and, eventually,…
Even though it’s hard for me to move my body around now, before you know it I’ll be crawling and walking! You can help me learn how to control my movements and gain strength by giving me lots of tummy…
I know you want me to do well when I am old enough to go to school, and you know reading is really important. If you read to me every single day, I’ll see these words and realize that they…
I may be saying, “There is so much going on!” You can help me by keeping my routine the same, as much as you can. This will help me to know what comes next. Even if we aren’t at home,…
I may be saying, “I am feeling out of sorts, off my routine.” Or I may be saying, “I feel tension in the house.” I may simply be saying, “My body is growing and changing and I am extra sensitive…
I may be saying, “Sometimes I’m angry,” or “I have so many feelings inside and no words for them that I lose control.” What you can do to support me is stop me firmly and gently. Tell me “It’s not…
What I may be saying is, “I am frustrated! I want to do this, but I am not able,” or “I don’t know how to communicate what I am feeling to you.” Sometimes I might tantrum when I am tired…
What I might be saying is, “I am feeling sick, or tired, or hungry.” I might be trying to tell you I am sad or mad, or just overwhelmed by everything going on around me. You can help me by…
Did you know that I need to learn how to regulate my emotions before I can follow rules and understand limits? That’s right! And I don’t have the ability to calm myself when I am first born. I need you…
I am growing and learning so many things so quickly! Yet, I am still so young. I still haven’t mastered the ability to control my emotions. That is something that began when I was born, but will continue to develop…
I am growing and learning so many things so quickly! Yet, I am still so young. I still haven’t mastered the ability to control my emotions. That is something that began when I was born but will continue to develop…
I am so busy exploring, wanting to touch everything, you will be stopping behaviors I cannot do because I might break something or I might get hurt. Remember to also teach me what I can do. When you stop a…
It might be helpful for you to know three easy steps in setting limits for me. (1) Stop the behavior. For example, firmly take my hand and tell me in a serious voice: “No hitting. Hitting hurts.” It is important…
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