I Want To Do Things On My Own
I know that my body can do so many things, and as I learn more about what I can do, I’ll want to do more and more by myself. I might even refuse to let you help me, even when…
I know that my body can do so many things, and as I learn more about what I can do, I’ll want to do more and more by myself. I might even refuse to let you help me, even when…
Even if you aren’t home, you can still help me learn through making art. Encourage the person taking care of me to help me make art to send to you and show me when you get it over video. You…
I’m always moving, constantly growing, and learning more and more about my world every day. It can be exciting, but it can also be a little overwhelming sometimes. I’m going to be eager every day to explore, but I need…
One of my favorite things to do is learning to use my voice to make different noises and sounds. And what better way than to use my voice to sing! When I hear music, you’ll see me move my body…
Even though I’m getting to be so big, I still may not know how to play with other babies. Babies are more interesting for me to look at and make noises to, but I don’t understand sharing or taking turns…
One of the most important things you can do for me, no matter how old I am, is to help me feel prepared for what each day will bring. This means trying to keep a routine, or schedule, for me…
Put some music on and let’s dance together! Help me experience the joy of movement. Show me how to bounce in time with the beat or clap my hands. No music available? We can sing and dance! We will be…
Sometimes, visiting a big place with lots of strangers can be scary, especially if I see people who are sick, or who are hurting. If I am not ready, please leave me with a trusted adult so that I won’t…
“Freeze” and “Hokey Pokey” are fun musical games. When I play it with you, I have to listen and follow directions. I also learn new words and sounds. I am moving, exercising my body. I think you will enjoy watching…
Help me learn how to take turns and share. I can practice when I am with my friends, and I can practice with you, too! When we have cookies, have me take them to everyone in the room and offer…
Let’s be creative! Let’s take recyclable items and see what we can do with them! Old yogurt cups can become building blocks for a tower or a place for us to plant seeds I can watch grow. Water bottles can…
Sometimes, I need to be quiet and slow down my activity. What can we do when I need to be quiet? How about looking at books, listening to recorded stories, or drawing pictures? I can grow my imagination and develop…
A fun thing for me to do when you are in the kitchen is to play with my kitchen band! What is that? It is a collection of pots and pans you don’t mind that I play with, rubber storage…
I love to touch things and see what happens. I want to turn knobs, push buttons, open boxes, and turn pages. Find ways for me to get busy with my hands. You may want to buy some toddler-safe finger paint…
What I may be saying is, “I am trying to figure out what is happening. I am trying to get a sense of some control over all that is going on.” You can support me by joining in my play.…
If I cry, kick, scream when you leave, even if it’s only for an hour and I’m with someone I know and like, I may be saying, “I need you. I depend on you. I’m afraid you are going to…
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