Give Me Simple Instructions
Now that I understand more and more words, I can also start to learn when you ask me to do something. While I’m not able to follow really complicated things just yet, I can do simple things with practice. Try…
Now that I understand more and more words, I can also start to learn when you ask me to do something. While I’m not able to follow really complicated things just yet, I can do simple things with practice. Try…
Even though I love exploring my world, I’m starting to realize that there’s a whole other world above me – the one built for adults where things like counters and tabletops are. You’ll probably see me trying to climb up…
As I start talking more and more, it can be tempting to “tune out,” especially when you are busy or distracted with something else. But I really need you to let me know you are listening, at least most of…
Maybe I’m tired, maybe I’m frustrated, or maybe I’m really angry… however I’m feeling, you can see that I’m having a really big tantrum! Remember that when I’m extremely upset, it isn’t possible for me to control my emotions or…
As I learn more words, I’ll also start to try to put words together. These will be really simple phrases at first (for example, I might say, “Go bed” if I’m feeling tired). Listen for when I use phrases and…
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