When I am getting ready to visit my parent in the hospital, I may be saying, “I want to be with my injured parent, but I need your support.” I may be a child who is easily overwhelmed or very active and loud. This is my personality, my way of being. You may decide it might be better for me to stay with another trusted adult instead of going to the hospital or clinic. If you decide to take me with you to visit my parent in the hospital or clinic, first decide with my injured parent when the best time is for me to come. Be sure I am allowed to visit as not all hospitals allow young visitors. You can help me get ready by telling me before in clear and simple terms what I might see, hear, smell, and feel. Try to plan the visit for a time when I am well rested and already fed. Bring a bag with my bottle or cup, drink, snacks, and some quiet toys. Help me draw a picture or practice a song to sing for my injured parent. If you are staying a long time, ask someone we trust to come with us. He can take me out to play or back home when I’ve had enough.